Thursday, 9 October 2008

West Midlands UKIP Newspaper

Following the launch of 'UKIP Dorset news' this week.

Derek Bennett, UKIP's regional organiser for the West Midlands, has sent out the following:

Dear UKIP activist,
Currently the UKIP West Midlands Chairman, Nikki Sinclaire, is putting together a tabloid sized UKIP newspaper for distribution in the West Midlands by the branches. Articles and letters are needed and an input from the UKIP members, Councillors and branches in the West Midlands are needed. Please get involved as we want to promote the activities of UKIP and what it is doing for the people in the area.
Nikki's comment: I have set up the following email address for contributions to our regional newspaper.

[email protected]
Please keep these contributions to the point no more than 300 words.We also need letters, cartoons etc,Due to limited space we cannot publish everything submitted.

Nikki Sinclaire
Regional Chairman.
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