Time: 15:30 - 21:30
Location: Counting House Pub
Street: 50 Cornhill Rd - EC3V 3PD
Town/City: London, United Kingdom
It's happening. Oh it's definitely happening!
Due to popular demand there will be a UKIP meet-up in London to celebrate everything we've achieved this year! A perfect chance to meet fellow members, share ideas, network or just let your hair down. This event is open to UKIP members and supporters alike. Represent your branch!
We'll be meeting at 3:30 pm inside the Counting House Pub in London and will follow it up with a good old razz for those of us who want to paint the town red (or rather purple and yellow)!
The meet-up is anything you want to make it. Whether you want a social chit chat, a major drink up or just curious to meet the faces of UKIP just come along.
John Tennant is flying over especially from Brussels Now THAT is dedication, so no excuses! Just to throw some names in to the equation of people who will be coming... John Tennnant, Paul Nuttall, Jonathan Arnott, Michael Heaver (YI member featured on Question Time).
So don't be shy, come along. Regardless of how long you can stay for or what time you can make it. Some won't be coming till 7pm after work, some are staying for a couple of hrs and some aren't going home till the early hours!
For more info please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] or call/text me on 07731337709.