Mike Nattrass, UKIP MEP for the West Midlands said "Only UKIP is firmly committed to leaving the EU so that we can be free and independent once again." "Tory MEPs consistently transfer power to the EU and that Tory policy is confirmed by Clark's return."
The first defector in the West Midlands is Denis Allen. A former Mayor of Wellington, a town councillor in Wellington, a councillor on Telford and Wrekin Unitary Authority and former cabinet member there. Denis has also been the Chairman of the Wrekin Conservative Association. After service as an officer in the RAF Regiment Mr. Allen went on to become a Lt. Colonel in the Light Infantry TA.
"I was already uncomfortable with the way that David Cameron fudged the issue of the Conservative membership of the EPP group in the European Parliament. But the appointment of such a strong europhile like Ken Clarke to the front bench was the last straw. We can see that we can't negotiate from within: they ignored the Dutch and the French referendums and they're ignoring the Irish now. We have to leave so that we can rule ourselves." said Denis Allen. "That's why I joined UKIP, the only party advocating that Britain should be ruled by the British."
Mike Nattrass added " Tory MEPs put their Group allowances into the "Yes" campaign and that says it all."
Clarke's appointment to the shadow cabinet might have been the straw that broke the camel's back but his disaffection with the Tories goes back even further. The Tories under David Camoron have turned from a eurosceptic party to a eurofederalist one, fully supportive of ever closer union but with some vague idea that the EU can be reformed.
Then there was the Penguins-in-the-park-gate affair for which Denis was made a scapegoat so that the unelected council officer that caused all the problems could get away scot free.
Denis is an excellent councillor, an excellent mayor and an all-round nice guy. I've known Denis for a couple of years now and he is a supporter of the West Midlands NO! campaign I set up a while back. He has been treated appallingly by the Conswervative administration in Telford and I'm glad that he's joined my branch of UKIP.
Catch up with some latest news from Brussels and the UK
Great News for UKIP. Denis is a highly respected Cllr and will bring alot to the party.
Indeed John lets hope more follow.
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