David Campbell Bannerman, UKIP's lead candidate for the East of England in June's European election has attacked local Conservative MEP Christopher Beazley for saying he will always vote 'Yes' to new EU rules and regulations, regardless of how much damage it does to the people he represents.
When Mr Beazley complained his voting machine had broken down in the Strasbourg Parliament today (13.1.09), he informed the Parliament's President that he didn't really need to have his machine fixed "as I plan to vote 'Yes' to everything".
Commenting on his behaviour, Mr Campbell Bannerman said: "Mr Beazley is like the Man from Del Monte... he just likes to say YES! YES to everything the EU wants regardless of the cost for hard pressed families living in the East of England, YES, regardless of the impact on local businesses, YES, despite the damage to our country from yet more loss of control of our affairs. What is the point of Mr Beazley being in the European Parliament? - you might as well send his voting machine instead".
"This Tory MEP is letting down his country and his constituency. No wonder polls show that more than 1 in 10 Tories will back UKIP at the Euro elections, 45% of people think none of the three old parties represents their views on the EU, 71% of people want a referendum on continued membership of the EU, and an amazing 83% do not want EU laws overriding UK laws.* Only UKIP represents the true national and local interest. "