Mr Campbell Bannerman said: “EERA is an undemocratic disgrace and an obscene waste of money in these hard economic times. This body reports directly to the European Union and not to the people it purports to represent. How dare they make such major decisions on planning and economic matters without true democratic legitimacy. It is one group of bureaucrats at home serving another group of bureaucrats in the EU. A bureaucrat's tryst!"
"This Europe Panel is ten times worse because it is obsessed with promoting the interests of the European Union, not those of the East of England. Wasting millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money on this quango is totally unjustifiable. It is taxation without representation."
"Our demonstration in Bury St Edmunds will let them hear the voice of the people. It is about time they listened." The protest will take place between 8.00 and 9.00am as delegates arrive for the meeting. If you would like to join please ring Tel: 01245-266466 Mobile: 07734-457390