In the run-up to the Council and European Elections on 4th June, Councillor Nigel Haughton, a much respected member of Brickhill Parish Council and life-long Conservative supporter has defected to the UK Independence Party. He has also announced his candidacy for the Bedford Unitary Authority elections, for his new Party.
Councillor Haughton said: “I have become increasingly disillusioned with the local Tories on the Borough Council. The best efforts of the Brickhill Conservative Action team have been thwarted by the leadership of the Borough Conservative Group.”
“The lack of support for the campaign to save our green fields in Brickhill is a prime example of the leadership’s indifference to the concerns of local residents. Whilst the coffers of the Borough have been swelled as a result of the local housing development, we have seen no benefits whatsoever; the funds have been spent elsewhere.
“At a national level, the daily siphoning away of £40million of taxpayers’ money to unelected Brussels bureaucrats is even more disgraceful.
“Reflecting on the complacency of the Borough Tories whilst nationally the Party ‘sits on the fence’ over our national independence, I have decided to take a principled stand by joining and supporting the UK Independence Party.”
Peter Reeve, UKIP's Regional Organiser in the Eastern Counties said: "We are delighted to have Cllr Haughton on board. He will be a major asset to our campaign in this and future elections. We look forward to working with him in the great cause of claiming our country back."