The flag and anthem of the European Empire were removed from the EU Constitution when they changed the name to the Lisbon Treaty but it makes not one bit of difference to the eurofederalists. Eurofederalist MEPs actually stand to attention in their parliament when they play Ode to Joy.
Hans-Gert Pöttering, the soon-to-be-ex-president of the European Empire, has called for eurofederalist MEPs to freeze what he calls "anti-Europeans" out of the decision making process during this parliament so that they can get on with their federalist agenda.
How can anyone be "anti-European"? How can you oppose a continent? Being opposed to the European Empire doesn't mean you detest an entire continent. It doesn't neccessarily mean you dislike the French!
Pöttering said that "Soldiers are part of the defence of our values of human rights, democracy and the law, and this is part of our value system of the European Union". The threat is quite clear -

He went on to say "We respect the identity of our regions and our villages and counties and this makes Europe rich". Regions, villages and counties? What about nations? Does the European Empire respect the identity of our nations? Of course not, that doesn't further the eurofederalist agenda - national identities have to be abolished so a European national identity can be created from the ashes.