Mr Farage said: “UKIP wants to save British pubs because they are a fundamental part of so many communities. They are a place for local people to meet and have a chat about the important issues of the day. In fact, they are a sort of unofficial parliament where everyone can have a say. Pubs have been hammered by a combination of greedy breweries and over zealous legislators. The smoking ban has been a disaster for British pubs and UKIP is totally opposed to the EU’s latest iniquitous plan to ban smoking in all public places, including beer gardens and parks, which would mean you wouldn’t even be allowed to nip outside for a smoke, while you were having a pint.”
Glenn Tingle UKIP's Parliamentary Candidate introduced himself as a local man looking to bring Norwich North a clean start. “The Constituency needs a fresh start after getting dragged into the MP expenses scandal and if I were to be elected, publicans in Norwich would certainly have a strong voice speaking up for their interests at Westminster.
Also speaking at the meeting, was Nick Hogan, UKIP’s national spokesman on licensing and the night time economy. He was the first publican to be prosecuted for allowing smoking on his premises, when he chose not to ask a party of Second World War veterans to stand outside to smoke on a cold winter’s night. Topics under discussion at the meeting included the 2003 Licensing Act, the 2006 Health Act, the beer escalator and the EU’s latest proposals anti-smoking proposals.
Once these ban people find gullible lawmakers and get a foot in the door, there's no stopping them.
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