Monday, 26 October 2009

Alan Wood's Election address:

This is the CV that will appear on ballot papers and in INDEPENDENCE.

I do not approve of Lord Pearson's intended election strategy of making "the threat of radical Islam the major focus". This is the wrong approach to winning an election. It will automatically make UKIP candidates unelectable for its negative 'hate' message. Radical Christian Tony Blair, who went to war in Iraq on a lie and helped to kill thousands of innocent civilians, might be a better target. Let me make it clear that if Lord Pearson is elected as Party Leader I will leave the party after 13 years of service. He will lead us into the wilderness.

Our enemy is the EU and I will have a 'Manifesto for Government' of the British for the British.

Most importantly, the anti-EU parties in UK have to work together rather than splinter the vote. I am already in discussion with others outside of UKIP to explore where all anti-EU people other than BNP can work together for the benefit of the 'cause'. The BNP have hijacked the anti-EU cause and we have to show the people affected by EU immigration policies that its the EU and not ethnicity or religion which is the problem.

You can phone me on 07748 197 996 - 8am - 10pm only please.





1. UKIP is not a pressure group but a party fighting for government, for only through representation at that level will we succeed in our aim of leaving the EU. To do this we need to show the nation that we have the strength in depth and the worldly policies to form a credible government

2. People considering voting for UKIP ask what we will do for them outside of the EU. Our job is to convince them that there is a 'far better future' out of the EU with UKIP, who could ignore all the EU directives that blight our lives.

As well as the merits of independence & democracy, and the freedoms it brings, we have to be proactive and offer policies that are close to their hearts and pockets on jobs, homes, children, parents and health, education, pensions, crime, the economy, and 'green' issues.

We may feel aggrieved because so many of the public (and even the Queen) do not respond to our pleas to save their sovereignty and freedoms. They do not vote for us for a multitude of reasons. Solely banging the drum on Sovereignty & Freedom is not enough to persuade many voters to vote for us. We have to accept that our election manifesto has to appeal to a lot of different social groups.

3. In addition we need to state where we stand on the important matters of the day.

On Afghanistan where our troops are courageously fighting an enemy that is already within. On the economy, where reckless lending and borrowing means that we have lived beyond our means. Where we have sold off our strategic and manufacturing businesses to all-comers and have forgotten our engineering heritage and how it helped to make Britain Great. On educational standards which are reflected in ration-coupon certificates. On attitudes to excellence where equality and mediocrity is preferred. On 'Rights' madness and crazy 'elf 'n safety rules'.

We must offer a new broom.


4. We are the major party insisting upon withdrawal from the EU so as to regain our nation and dispense with EU rules. The public agree with us, making UKIP second in the European elections and supporting many smaller anti-EU parties. Unfortunately, they still believe that the Conservative Party is 'eurosceptic', which drains our support.

5. Sadly, to our disadvantage, Westminster is occupied primarily by pro-EU MP's. The media, trades unions and commerce support the EU project. The Queen has not spoken out in her own realm. The 'First Past the Post' (FPTP) electoral system and media election rules heavily favour the Government and Opposition parties. The media will want to play this election as LABOUR v CONSERVATIVE or LABOUR v CONSERVATIVE v LIBDEM.

6. But, the expenses scandal has infuriated the public. Many well-established MP's will be leaving Westminster. The current government is unpopular. EU directives have antagonised the public.

The public agree with SAY NO the EU, to its pro-EU MP's expenses at Westminster, to the lack of a Lisbon Treaty referendum. So, we have to add the extra dimension of positive manifesto policies for them to SAY YES to UKIP.

7. Historically, 2/3 of the seats do not change hands. However, records are there to be broken and anything is possible this time. MP's expenses have started the possibility of a rebellion by voters. If we go about this election with new strategies and tactics we can win many seats. There may be a hung parliament where UKIP hold the balance of power. Anything can happen!

8. As there is barely a cigarette paper between the pro-EU parties they are equally worthy of our disdain and disgust. We pose a threat to their seats, especially in the marginals, and need to adjust our tactics to suit each seat.

9. I have already mentioned the public's antipathy to the EU and the MP's but a manifesto with the sole pledge of a referendum would fail.
A general election is not a referendum or "a referendum for a referendum" and whether we like it or not the public support political parties at a General Election for a multitude of factors.

10. It is essential to capture public imagination early to enable a campaign to gather steam. I have always recommended that we draw attention in our literature to the LINKAGE between EU directives and the results they cause - like the wrecking of Royal Mail. LINKAGE is now one of our biggest weapons - the longer that the EU rule us the more ammunition they give us.

11. The anti-EU vote in the European Elections was spread over many parties, some of whom were formed very recently. There has to be a reconciliation of the non-racist anti-EU parties. I would seek a coalition with other parties.

12. Nigel Farage has cleverly shown one way of winning a seat - to challenge a vulnerable MP and concentrate resources on getting out one's message.

Our MEP's already have the profile to contest other suitable seats, together with the advantage of an MEP salary. How ironic that the EU could be helping us to win in Westminster!

13. This government will be removed if opinion polls are to be believed but it is not a foregone conclusion as to where the balance of power will lie. We need to make it UKIP.


15. Our Branch structure is the future, supported by the MEP's and our new MP's. We have to build the party further from the bottom up with more resources to Branches.

UKIP members need to be in Parish and Town Councils to support their community and gain the trust of the public. It is possible to win District Council seats. It is a lot harder to win a Unitary Council seat. But we can win with the right tactics in 2010, 2011 and later years.


a) Should UKIP become a 'Europarty'? I declare that this must be a decision made by the members not the MEP's.

b) My election expertise and strategies will benefit the General Election campaign.

c) I will try to bring the non-racist anti-EU community together.

d) My achievements and background relate to most social classes. It will help to gain the trust of floating voters. We must not allow ourselves to be unfairly painted as the extreme right wing of the Conservative Party. e) My Civil Service and Local Government experience, professional knowledge and project management skills, particularly in the GREEN issues of energy and conservation, will be assets for the party.

f) As a pensioner I also appreciate the problems of the grey voter.

g) As a councillor I understand the problems of the genuine poor and needy.

h) One policy I will insist upon is abolition of the Council Tax system and its replacement by a fair system of local taxation.


Loyal supporter since 1996 to all party leaders.

Since 2006 all UKIP Deputy Nominating Officers for UK elections and Regional Agents for European elections have received certificates at my expense.

North Wilts (1997). Devizes since 2002, plus Westbury temporarily.

Elections adviser 2007 local elections and 2009 European elections. Now Chairman.

1997, 2001, 2005 - Candidate, General elections
1999 (IND), 2003, 2007 - Candidate, District Council elections (elected)
1999, 2004 - Regional Agent, European Elections
2009 - Candidate, Regional & National Agent, European election
2009 - Candidate, Wiltshire Council election
Organised a Parish Poll on a referendum for the EU Constitution. Obtained 100% support.
Organised a Constituency Poll in Gordon Brown's constituency which was 80% in favour of a referendum on the EU Constitution.


Married to Jane for 43 years. Adviser to wife and sister-in-law who are joint directors of a family property company.

Grammar school educated and became a management apprentice in Portsmouth Royal Dockyard. Won a scholarship to The Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Awarded an honours degree in Mechanical Engineering. MSc awarded by Loughborough University.

Ministry of Public Building and Works (later PSA) Project Engineer, Contracts/Cost Adviser, Energy Conservation & Construction Project Manager, Deputy Director. Compulsorily redundant in 1992 when PSA closed.

Chairman of Fittleton Parish Council.

Secretary of a National Canine Society 1993 - 1996.

Chairman of Salisbury Canine Society 2003 - present.

Championship dog show judge.

Former Captain of Dorking Golf Club.


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