I am honoured to be proposed and seconded by two of our recent "Gold Medal" recipients, both stalwarts of our party who have played an essential role in our success. I am also grateful to the hardworking grassroots members across the UK who assented to my nomination. These people reflect my candidature.
UKIP is now a force in British politics and credit must go to Nigel Farage. It is a loss to our party that he never led us into a General Election campaign. Many of you will know that I have made every effort to seek a change of heart from him with my petition but to no avail. I was not in favour of a leadership campaign so close to a General Election.
I have been urged by many across the country to put my name forward to debate the future direction of the party, essential in the light of recent developments and proposals.
I became involved with UKIP after the Tory treachery of Maastricht. Volunteering in the European elections of 1994 I subsequently became a member in 1996.
I have been a Branch Committee Member, Branch Secretary, Branch Chairman, Regional Committee Member, Regional Chairman, Head Office Manager, NEC Member and Party Secretary.
I have stood in local elections, two General Elections, one European Election and now find myself as an MEP!
I have also two years' political experience in the US campaigning for a member of Congress and also on the Californian "recall" procedure with its subsequent election of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
This year, I put all my skills and experience into being the Campaign Manager for the West Midlands, winning a third of the seats and securing UKIP's highest vote increase.
I seek unequivocal withdrawal from the EU. Reform is not and can never be an option.
To promote freedom and liberty for the individual that would encourage each person to develop independence and responsibility.
I believe in equality of opportunity and treatment for all under the rule of law.
I loathe political correctness and positive discrimination.
These are not just words but the passion that drives me forward in my work representing UKIP and my country.
UKIP - the way forward
The time has come for a fresh approach and a debate on the future of our Party. UKIP is the only vehicle to take our country out of the corrupt and doomed mess that is the EU. We must not rest on our laurels but continue with all our muster against the Euro-federalists. We need to take a critical look at our party and not be afraid of the changes needed to take us forward. UKIP started as a grassroots party. This is a principle we should never forget. No member should be left behind in our fight. This party has far too many ex-members. We need a united front to defeat our enemies.
Finally we are in the centre ground of British politics, no longer thought of as an offshoot of the Tory party. The European Elections cemented this by UKIP winning outright in Labour heartlands such as Stoke-on-Trent, Dudley, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Plymouth, Hull, Hartlepool and Sunderland. We did not win one single Conservative heartland.
We must consolidate this and expand our message across the political spectrum. Polls show that our cause now has majority support. We need to claim that support, not restrict ourselves once again by being seen as a Tory splinter group.
Besides our message, our great asset is Nigel's ability to articulate our cause. As Leader I would retain Nigel as our lead spokesman. Nigel has already indicated he is willing to do this.
A major change needed within the party is communication, administration and policy making. The recent Court of Appeal decision which means that, due to a simple administrative error, we may have to pay over £360,000 into government coffers, underlines our need for improved professionalism in the party.
Our administrative office in Devon does a fantastic job. However, we need investment in the regions to supplement our branches. Our infrastructure has not grown with our electoral success and if we don't heed the need for change it will be the biggest obstacle to us achieving real success.
Our internal communication leaves a lot to be desired. Ideas such as a "letter database" whereby all letters by members published in newspapers/magazines across the country can be accessed by other members and used in their area - Simple, free and effective. WE NEED TO BE DOING THIS!
The Party Leader and officers need to be available to members by regular meetings in their region on a regular basis. Members deserve regular newsletters. I promise all this.
In short, I believe my organisational and administrative ability, coupled with Nigel evident abilities, can harness the improvements we need to take us forward.
Sticky Issues
Under my leadership UKIP will never be part of a pan-European party. Under Article 191 of Nice, these parties aim to assist further EU integration. I could not believe my ears when I heard the proposal that we should join one. I am proud that I was one of only two UKIP MEPs that spoke and campaigned against this recent proposal.
It is 10 years since we first sent MEPs to Brussels. The intent of UKIPs 1998 Conference (which allowed elected MEPs to take up their seats) was to make the MEPs work for the Party. There is a tendency for it to be the other way round. The Party needs to be able to be powerful in its own right, democratically controlled by you, the members. We MEPs are privileged to fight the cause on your behalf and are there, politically and financially, to further that cause.
Being an MEP
Being an MEP allows me use of substantial resources to represent you as Party Leader. For example, my 15,000 miles' travel allowance will permit me to travel across the country promoting the Party. I have members of staff to assist me. I have a professional fully-equipped office in Birmingham, financed by my allowances, and only five minutes away from the BBC and ITV studios. To qualify for these allowances, I need to spend, on average, three and a half days a month in Brussels/Strasbourg. The rest of my time will be here, in the UK, and I commit to spending my time touring the country, promoting UKIP, to give us the best chance of electoral success.
Since being elected an MEP, I have committed a third of my net salary to the Party. I have edited and paid for 100,000 newspapers to be distributed by West Midland branches. A further 500,000 are planned, with some going to the North East and Scotland where UKIP does not yet have MEPS. I am financially supporting and attending Freshers´ Fairs at universities to further our message. I have a full website, including a page on transparency, at www.yourmep.org which is regularly updated. Take a look to see what I did in my first 100 days as an MEP.
What others say
"Nikki has been with the Party since it was set up in 1993 and has worked tirelessly in every capacity including MEP. She is an excellent administrator and will prove a worthy successor to Nigel Farage." Sonya Porter, Founder member and leading activist
"I have known Nikki since 1999 she gives 110% to UKIP and to getting us out of the EU. She has proved herself and no doubt will prove to be a good leader" John Botting, PPC & Chairman, Maidstone
"I could not think of anyone better than Nikki to be Party Leader. She has the grassroots level of this Party in her heart and will always listen to the thoughts and wishes of every member" Sam Sutton, Hampshire Organiser
"Nikki is the only candidate I trust to increase our support and profile amongst the whole of the electorate in this time of change" Ray Finch, PPC Eastleigh
"Nikki is an experienced veteran of UKIP, who relishes the challenges of trying to take the party over from UKIP's greatest leader Farage. This will truly be her greatest challenge." Ramsey Urquhart, Branch Secretary, Glasgow
"Support Nikki, the only candidate for leadership, with the determination and vision to succeed." Ron Nixon, UKIP Mansfield
"I happily declare my full support for Nikki's bid for leadership. To me, she will take the party in a modern, progressive direction and that is something I wholeheartedly endorse. With Nikki as leader, UKIP can only go forwards to greater success" Jacob Ellett, Young Independence activist
Contact - Further Info
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, or to express your support. Contact me at 123 New John Street, Birmingham B6 4LD or telephone free 0800 1577916. Email Nikki at [email protected]
And Finally
My loyalty and support for the cause and UKIP is absolute.
I will continue to work tirelessly for our cause as Party Leader, or support the person you choose.
That "click here to email Nikki" needs work, apart from that, top stuff.
I can see some advantages in having a woman as a leader.
UKIP is a very male dominated party, and it would give the party more balance in the eyes of the voters.
I dont know what her public speaking is like, because I have never heard her making a speech.
Sample videos of the candidates in action would help members choose the best leader.
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