What do you mean you don't know who he is? He's the prime minister of Belgium of course, whose greatest achievement thus far is managing to stay in the job for nearly 12 months (a real achievement for a Belgian prime minister this last couple of years). A real political heavyweight.

You mean you haven't heard of Baroness Ashton either? She was an official of the left wing wannabe terrorist group CND before being given a pretend peerage by Tony Bliar in 1999 for services to the Liebour Party. She then went on to be Leader of the House of Lords before No Mandate Brown handed her over to the EU to be the UK's EU Commissioner who then made her the EU Trade Commissioner. She has never stood for election in her entire political career.
Pointless people appointed to pointless jobs for a pointless criminal organisation. The sooner we are out of this mess the better. Come the revolution, Baroness Ashton's treason will make sure she's one of the first against the wall.
I wonder if it's possible to keep a peerage when you've declared your eternal loyalty to a foreign state (as the EU will become on 1st January) ...
God help us all. These appointments are utter lunacy, just like the EU and the Lisbon Treaty.
Not bad I suppose though if you're at the receiving end of tax-payer's cash for attending functions and smiling nicely.
The situation gets worse by the day but I'm getting more annoyed annoyed by the day - and so is the electorate
the only upside is that it keeps these incompetents occupied (like a drugged up rocker who has his guitar kept unplugged) so they can't do any real harm.
The outrage is tempered (a bit) by the fact that Banana Boy and the Shameless Liar didn't get a look in.
They must be gutted.
The old Brown magic at work again.
I read in the Times this morning that Rumpey Pumpey is a motorhome enthusiast. He can't be all bad then! I can stop the traffic with my motorhome, all I have to do is my usual 10 point turn.
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