Dear Young Independence,
As you may be aware the annual YI Council elections are taking place shortly, culminating in the result at Spring Conference in Scarborough on Saturday 5th March.
If you are interested in standing please reply to this email, and job descriptions will will be sent to you shortly for the available roles. The available roles are: Chairman, Secretary, Vice Chairman, Membership Officer, Elections Officer and Press Officer. The treasurer position is not up for election due to the fact the bank mandates have only just been resolved with the current reasurer and it to change treasurer would be unecessarily problematic at the moment.
If you wish to stand you need:
1) To be a member under the age of 35
2) To be a member of the party for 1 year (2 years if standing for Chairman)
3) To be a member of good standing
4) To obtain 1 Proposer, 1 Seconder, and 8 Assentors. The proposer, seconder and 3 assentors must be other YI members. The remaining 5 assentors can be either YI or ordinary Party members.
4b) Proposers, Seconders and Assentors must be members of 6 months good standing
4c) Any member can propose, second or assent to one candidate per vacancy
Your candidacy will be confirmed following receipt by the Returning Officer at [email protected] of an email with the subject "NOMINATION" listing your valid Proposer, Seconder, and 8 Assentors along with their valid membership numbers. If a member has proposed, seconded or assented for more than one candidate per vacancy then the candidate whose Nomination email was submitted first will remain valid.
To vote you must be under the age of 35. Email your vote to [email protected] with the subject "VOTE", listing your votes - up to 6 votes, one for each position - along with your valid membership number. Your membership number will be used to confirm the validity of the ballot. All valid ballots will be printed and the count will take place on 5th March after the Spring Conference in Scarborough by an independent Party official.
Nominations shall close on Monday 7th February.
Canditates may withdraw up until Friday 11th February
Votes must be cast by 12.00pm Thursday 3rd March
Candidates may not use offocial Party databases for campaign purposes.
Candidates should conduct their campaigning in a manner that does not bring the Party into disrepute.
If you have any questions please contact me. Otherwise happy campaigning and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Scarborough (tickets still available from
Harry Aldridge
Secretary, Young Independence
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Young Independence Council Elections 2011
Young Independence Council Elections 2011
Stuart Parr

About the author:
Stuart Parr is a UKIP parish councillor for the Brookside ward in Telford & Wrekin and the founder and administrator of Bloggers4UKIP.
Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.

Stuart writes a personal blog Wonko's World and tweets as @wonkotsane.
Young Independence Council Elections 2011
Stuart Parr