On the show she was asked such questions as:

"you've got 9 people haven't you on the town council, are they all members of your family?""the Duffy Mafia?"
The report also suggested all Lisa Duffy was responsible for was a few lamp posts (but not all of them) and a couple of duck ponds.
Despite this irreverent form of questioning (such as will UKIP now get Ramsey out of the EU) Lisa Duffy handled herself incredibly well. In fact, so well you'd be forgiven for suggesting that she is a natural on television, something the party lacks in many of its high profile members. You could also be forgiven for pondering the idea that she could some day certainly be a very strong contender for the future leadership of UKIP.
I found myself applauding when she explained that UKIP must start from the bottom up, not the usual top down nonsense. That UKIP at the grassroots level is where we can show people that we are a credible alternative for the voters. She is bang on.
Well done has to go to Lisa Duffy and the whole UKIP team in Eastern Region for such a fantastic achievement. It is inspiration for the good people in UKIP, inspiration which will revitalise sections of the party.