Sunday, 17 March 2013

Keep calm and defect to UKIP

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Ronald Sprason's avatar

Ronald Sprason · 625 weeks ago

I have remained calm and calmly joined UKIP. Meanwhile the Conservative Party are anything but calm about us and are beginning to panic. So they should, they know that we are the only party with the true interests of the British people at heart. Come and join us, you know it makes sense!
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
I think you miss the point, nobody wants a conservative criminal government, it would the worst thing you could
do letting them join UKip, they did similar things in Norfolk, they were all spies who obtained intelligince on other
parites and then hung it out at the election, it's no good letting the same old tories join and influence other parties, they are finished they need to stay that way, Remember Tory = SPY.
I really hope the redesign of the brand comes soon, these colour just hurt my eyes, if anything the part would look more serious if it toned down the palette.
2 replies · active 625 weeks ago
Aquarius93's avatar

Aquarius93 · 625 weeks ago

Totally agree with you re. the gaudy colours. Perhaps a deep purple with a complementary colour, i.e. white, light blue or even pink would be a lot easier on the eye. The magenta and bright yellow combo is too psychedelic for the reserved British temperament.
Yes but I come from Russia, they pretent to be defectors to get inside the machinery of you party, they gather information and pass it on to journalisits to destroy you during the election campaign, don't you see
what they are up to they are career polititians only in it for the money, you must never trust the Tory, they
did the same thing to labour they are spies.
Ronald Sprason's avatar

Ronald Sprason · 625 weeks ago

Further to my ealier comment. it is not only that the Conservative Party leadership realise we are the only party with the true British interests at heart. They know that a large and ever growing proportion of the electorate are coming to realise it too. Thats why they are in a panic.,come the election and they will be punished severely. All previous Conservative supporters should vote UKIP. A vote for the dead but not yet buried Tories will only be a wasted vote and let Labour back in. What a disaster that would be!
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
Unless britain can detach it's self from the two party system, there is no hope, the country is effectively under
the control of corrupted statist governments, these are not to the advantage of the countries economy or basic
civil freedoms, a police totaliterian state run by criminals cannot under any attemped description be described
as a democracy, the countries wealth has been stolen before our very eye's under the old two party ping-
pong political system, under various guises of Banking, Pensions, and state greed.

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