David's Failings - do these sound democratic or EU-Sceptic?
1) Broken promise of a referendum on the EU Constitution/Lisbon Treaty.
David Cameron calls for referendum on EU constitution (Telegraph 2/6/2009)
Tories rule out treaty referendum (BBC 3/11/2009)
2) Three line whip against EU referendum demanded in a public petition.
EU referendum: Cameron to impose three-line whip (BBC 20/10/2011)
3) Ignores debate on private members bill calling for EU exit.
MPs debate case for UK pulling out of European Union (BBC 26/10/2012)
4) Letting an EU referendum bill run out of time in 2012.
Referendum (European Union) Bill (HoC 29/5/2012)
5) Forced to reintroduce EU referendum bill - but with no action required regardless of the result!
Conservatives publish EU referendum bill (BBC 14/5/2013)
(originally published at http://free-english-people.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/eu-sceptic-conservative-aint-no-such.html)
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
EU-Sceptic Conservative? Ain't no such thing! Vote #UKIP
EU-Sceptic Conservative? Ain't no such thing! Vote #UKIP
Paul Perrin
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Paul Perrin is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.
Paul Perrin is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.
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EU-Sceptic Conservative? Ain't no such thing! Vote #UKIP
Paul Perrin