Iain Martin writes persuasively in the Telegraph that London is being dominated by a new superclass. More important even than their enormous wealth is the access to elite English public schools that a London domicile gives them, ensuring as it does that their children will grow up with colossal advantages: highly educated, schooled in several foreign languages and with a contact network of peers who will form the next generation of movers and shakers.
In short, we don't just face the prospect of a rule by a new international class - something that most of us are now well aware of - but new international dynasties who will network and marry each other, and whose primary loyalty will be to others in the same class rather than to any nation-state.
Perhaps Iain Martin doesn't read bloggers4ukip, but he could have read it here first: it is a constant theme of this blog that we are in the early years of a neo-medieval age, dominated just as the medieval age was by a small, internationally-focused oligarchical elite. Beneath that elite, of course, is the peasant class - i.e. the rest of us - that they are largely uninterested in except as unit of production or, sometimes, as cannon-fodder in their stupid wars. To call the rest of us latter-day peasants may seem a little extreme - after all we still have a huge number of opportunities and material advantages barely imaginable to most people even 50 years ago, but the direction of travel is ominous: living standards for most people beneath the superclass are being progressively ground down as inflation outstrips wages year after year, and most people spend an ever-greater percentage of their budget in essentials rather than luxuries.
What is amazing is how many columnists, Martin amongst them, are clear-sighted about the huge change in societal structures we are undergoing but somehow think that the political framework we live in will stay the same. As UK politics is now dominated by parties into which members of the elite, or wannabe members of it - are firmly embedded, it should not, and probably will not.
The rise of UKIP has been attributed to many things - most commonly that we are a bunch of disgruntled Tories. However, I believe the rise of the party and it's broadening appeal is best understood as a modern form of a peasant's revolt to the neo-medieval concentration of power and wealth. Because there are far more losers than winners in this new dispensation, the prospects for the party are far brighter than members of the blinkered London commentariat perceive. People see the truth and they have had enough.
In the words of Shelly:
"Rise like Lions after slumber,
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you,
Ye are many - they are few."
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
The Rise Of The New International Dynasties
The Rise Of The New International Dynasties
Andrew Cadman

About the author:
Andrew Cadman is UKIP member and self-confessed "middle-aged geek".
Andrew tweets as @andrew_cadman.

Andrew tweets as @andrew_cadman.
The Rise Of The New International Dynasties
Andrew Cadman