Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Over 1,600 complaints made to OFCOM over anti-UKIP Channel 4 mockmentary

OFCOM received more than 1,600 complaints about last night's anti-UKIP Channel 4 mockumentary by half past 4 this afternoon and Channel 4 received 250 complaints themselves. OFCOM are reviewing the complaints to decide whether they need to conduct an investigation.

A change.org petition calling for Channel 4 to apologise for the programme had attracted 2,500 signatures by the same time and Channel 4's Facebook page has had hundreds of comments complaining about the programme.

Both Channel 4 and RAW Productions receive considerable funding from the EU.

Remember: if you were outraged by Channel 4's mockumentary, don't get mad get even and donate to help UKIP's election campaign.
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