In an article for the far left Independent, Alibhai-Brown says that we don't want another white man in power and if she had a vote, she'd vote for Yvette Cooper. Not because of what she stands for but because she's a woman which is a far better qualification for a position of power than being capable of doing the job.
She has a cheap dig at UKIP of course but it's a bit half hearted. Apparently UKIP cleverly exploit class identification. She doesn't explain what this constitutes, how UKIP exploits it or why (or even if) this is a bad thing but we're guilty of something that she possibly disapproves of (again, it's not clear if she's saying it's a bad thing).
If a white man had said "we don't need a black or Asian woman at the head of a political party" they would be vilified in the press, not given a column to write their racist, sexist drivel.
So given the right offer he could decide that the UK should stay *in* the EU after all!! He clearly can't be trusted.
His other claim is that he won the No2AV referendum... But even this is not true - Matthew Elliot did not win the AV vote - it was always pretty much a cert to go the way it did - and the Yes2AV campaign was led by the Electoral Reform Society who were on record as saying AV was a very bad system and only STV was worth considering - so there was no campaign support for AV anyway.
With the EU all the big money will be on 'in' - because the EU control 90% of the 'big money'. Elliot has also said he wants to see what Cameron comes back with - so further down the line Elliot could changes sides if the 'right' deal is offered.
Out need leaders who know there is *nothing* that can make the EU acceptable - so Camerons renegotiation is of zero significance.
Immigration has hit a record high, climbing to 636,000 for the 12 months to March this year.
Taking into account the 307,000 people who moved out of the UK (there is no break down of those figures to see how many were UK citizens) that puts estimated net immigration at 329,000 for the 12 month period, eclipsing the previous record of 269,000 when Labour first opened the borders to eastern Europe.
Bizarrely, the Immigration Minister, James Brokenshire, has blamed businesses for giving jobs to immigrants rather than blaming the EU and his own government for allowing almost half a billion people the right to live and work here in the first place.
Net immigration of 329,000 people in a year is simply unsustainable from an economic point of view. We have 1.8m unemployed people living here already and there just aren't that many jobs to go around. In January this year there were just 700,000 job vacancies for those 1.8m people who are unemployed and able to work. The immigration figures aren't broken down into the number of immigrants coming here for work rather than children accompanying parents but a conservative estimate would say at least a quarter of a million of the 329,000 net immigrants are here to enter the labour market. That's another quarter of a million people on top of the existing 1.8m unemployed people chasing the same jobs.
The economic argument for slashing immigration is talked about regularly but the social argument less so. One of the reasons for this is the demonisation of anyone who talks about controlling immigration as a racist or far right. It's not right wing or racist to talk about immigration or about the damage it's doing to the economy, to social cohesion and to the safety of our country.
Known terrorists and extremists have been seen entering Europe with asylum seekers and illegal immigrants and once they're in an EU country, our border controls are completely inadequate to keep them out of the UK. Our lives are being put at risk by inadequate or non-existent border controls. Known terrorists and criminal gangs have entered the UK via EU countries and in many cases they have legal right under EU law to be here, no matter the risk to the population.
In the past we have assimilated the immigrant population and adopted elements of their culture as our own but we can't assimilate 654,000 people in a year (636k here legally plus 18k illegal immigrants). The population of the UK is estimated at 64.7m of which approximately 8.5m are registered as foreign born and an estimated 600k either entered the country illegally or overstayed their visas. One in seven people in the UK weren't born here and that's not an amount that can simply settle in, integrate with their local communities and enrich our culture in the same way immigrants from the Commonwealth did after the Second World War. In the 2011 census, 4.2m people (7.7% of the population at the time) spoke English as a second language which places an intolerable burden on public services and is a barrier to integration. Immigration on the scale we are seeing today is as unsustainable socially as it is economically.
With immigration clearly out of control, UKIP's policy of freezing economic immigration for 5 years to allow the housing and labour market to recover before introducing a points-based system seems more sensible than ever. The March immigration figures are from before the EU declared an effective amnesty for illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers from the near east, tens of thousands of which have descended onto Calais trying to make their way illegally into the UK. The year end figures will make the 654,000 seem pale in comparison.
David Cameron has all but given up demanding an end to unlimited immigration from the EU - one of his "red lines" for renegotiation - after being told repeatedly that stopping it is out of the question. The aim of the EU has always been to turn Europe into a country (read the Schuman Declaration) and countries don't have internal border controls. Strengthening borders between EU countries doesn't do anything to maintain the illusion of a United States of Europe. We can't control our borders while we're in the EU.
A security fence built along the Hungarian border has so far failed to stem the tide of illegal immigrants who are desperate to take advantage of the lack of border controls between Hungary and Austria to access Germany, France and the UK. More than 140,000 illegal immigrants have entered Hungary this year.
The decision to deploy troops to the border or not will need to be made by the Hungarian Parliament. Six police units including dogs, mounted police and helicopters are preparing for immediate deployment to the border.
David Cameron has a plan for dealing with illegal immigrants and asylum seekers illegally working in the UK - put them in prison.
With 1.8m people already living here fit for work but out of a job, 2m EU citizens working in the UK and net immigration of over a quarter of a million people a year there is a massive over-supply of unskilled, unneeded labour and a chronic shortage of jobs. But putting illegal immigrants and asylum seekers who are working illegally into prison isn't going to solve that because the problem is with legal immigrants. Restricting economic immigration to the numbers we need with the skills we need will solve the unemployment problem and the huge cut to the social security bill will give the economy a welcome boost.1
Putting illegal workers into prison is only going to create jobs for human rights lawyers and prison staff. There would be legal challenges, the British government would lose them and a dangerous precedent would be set. Illegal immigrants are breaking the law by living here, let alone working and can be deported immediately. Asylum seekers can't get here to claim asylum legally so they can be deported to the first safe country they entered. We don't need any more unskilled immigrant labour; illegal immigrants and illegal asylum seekers need to be deported not banged up in prisons that are already too full to deal with our own criminals, at the taxpayers' expense.
UKIP MEP and immigration spokesman, Steven Woolfe MEP, said:
This must be the week that the net migration numbers come out since this announcement has to be one of the most stupid ideas yet from a Government utterly bereft of a clue on how to deal with the migration crisis. It’s an idea dreamed up the Conservative Party’s PR department to camouflage Thursday’s ONS immigration statistics which will show that yet gain the government has lost control of Britain’s borders.
The Labour Party has been warned that BNP activists may have infiltrated the party to influence the leadership contest.
BNP members generally have a background in the Labour Party and after a flirtation with the dirtier side of politics, usually go back to them. There have even been a few BNP activists who have gone on to contest elections for Labour - something that would have all 40k+ UKIP members branded as racists.
Whilst there are no doubt a number of BNP activists joining the Labour Party to vote in the leadership election, it's nothing really out of the ordinary. Where UKIP has traditionally plundered the Conservatives for members, the BNP have traditionally attracted Labour supporters who have become disillusioned with the pro-EU, pro-mass immigration policies that the Labour Party used to oppose until the 80s.
Labour Party members need to get used to rubbing shoulders with BNP types because under Comrade Corbin, unless they bring in a ban like UKIP have, they're going to come flocking back.
Much has been made during the Labour leadership election of the democratic credentials of frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn MP However, whilst he has been very vocal on the issue of self-determination for the Palestinians for a number of years, the following article from Eddie Bone of The independent lobbying group, Campaign for an English Parliament (CEP) shows that he is not so keen on extending self-determination to the English – Indeed, he supports the EU plan of breaking England down in to regions as can be seen on the following video!
Article by Mr Eddie Bone, Campaign Director for the Campaign for an English Parliament.
The Campaign for an English Parliament attended the ‘Jeremy Corbyn for Leader’ event that was held in Ealing on the 17th August 2015.
As the Campaign Director of the Campaign for an English Parliament I asked a question during the Q&A section, after Jeremy Corbyn’s main speech. We asked if he would establish an English Labour Party. His reply was direct and dismissive as he stated ‘he didn’t support an English Labour Party as he didn’t see the need for it’. We thought it showed a lack of insight into the complex concerns being expressed by many Labour supporters, so we attempted to highlight the clear differences in policies between the nations of the UK (eg Tuition fees).
After the event we attempted to speak with Jeremy Corbyn so that he could clarify why he talked about equality and fairness for all yet didn’t appear concerned about England and the English.
Please read the following transcript to see his appalling reply to English concern (I have highlighted the main point that completely surprised me)
Jeremy Corbyn Ealing Town Hall 17/08/15 (after the main event)
Transcript Eddie: This isn’t right, it isn’t right when actually now listen you’re blocking me away completely is that the way you treat, is that the way you treat the English this way, you’re pushing me away Jeremy: Now hang on, hang on, hang on Eddie: I just have a question to be answered Jeremy: There are English regions which have regional labour parties, as does Scotland and Wales and there is the Labour party the membership decide Eddie: So you’re happy to see them broken up into regions Jeremy: There has never been a collective voice for England Eddie: Of course there’s a collective voice for England, we’re a thousand year old nation, we have a right just as Scotland and Wales to our own Parliament, to our own government Jeremy: Well I am not in favour of an English parliament, I’m in favour of English regions
Tragically for the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn appeared not to grasp what the Conservatives were able to grasp during the general election. Admittedly it took an Australian spin doctor, Lynton Crosby to eventually help the Conservatives see the advantage of playing the English nationalist card. But it did help them ‘above all expectations’ to win a majority. It also helped ‘Northern UKIP’ to block Labour’s ability to challenge the Conservatives as well.
Eddie Bone, Campaign for an English Parliament, stated “I was appalled to see and hear a potential Labour Leader show such a lack of basic knowledge of English history. Jeremy Corbyn’s blinkered ignorance will play into the Conservatives, UKIP and English nationalists hands over and over again during the next 5 years. His contemptuous and heavy handed approach will not only just succeed in offending the English but will also strengthen the Scottish nationalists as well. By calling Scotland a ‘Region’ he stuck two fingers up to the new Scottish Labour leader. How will she be able to make the Scottish Labour party more distinctive if a new British Labour leader is still in denial about the growth of Scottish nationalism?”
He continued “Labour will potentially face extinction if Jeremy Corbyn becomes the next Labour leader because he has failed to understand that many Labour supporters in England see themselves as English and want their own voice which means establishing an English Labour Party”
Eddie Bone – Pictured above For more information on the Campaign for an English Parliament (CEP), please visit
A Luton Labour councillor has resigned from his cabinet post amid claims that one of his relatives has been living in the UK illegally.
Both the Labour Party and Cllr Waheed Akbar have refused to comment with Cllr Akbar citing "personal reasons". Luton on Sunday has received reports that the "personal reasons" relate to one of his relatives overstaying their visa. Cllr Waheed told the Luton on Sunday:
I cannot make any comment because I have stepped down because of personal circumstances.
The fact that he "cannot make any comment" rather than won't make any comment would suggest that if Cllr Akbar's resignation does have anything to do with a relative overstaying their visa then he might have had more than a passing involvement with it.
Many of those that have managed to force their way through police and military lines are escaping Syria but others have come from relatively stable countries such as Pakistan and are simply taking advantage of the opportunity to get into Europe.
The Macedonian army attempted to allow a group of 600 people with small children across the border to catch a train to Serbia where they would then go on to Hungary before making their way to France, Germany and eventually the UK. But while they tried to give safe passage to those high risk illegal immigrants, thousands of others stormed the border.
Since the EU stopped the practice of intercepting boats carrying illegal immigrants and sending them back to where they started off, the number of illegal immigrants coming to Europe has exploded as economic migrants take advantage of the relaxing of border controls and mingle with asylum seekers looking for safety.
Under international law, asylum seekers are required to claim asylum in the first safe country they enter. With the exception of those entering Europe from the volatile north African coast, every asylum seeker is illegally and should be sent back to the first safe country they entered but EU rules don't allow member states to deport illegal asylum seekers to other EU member states because that undermines the EU pretending to be a single country.
The Macedonian government is blaming the Greek government for ferrying thousands of illegal immigrants from the islands onto the mainland.
Macedonia has become the latest country to face the tide of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Macedonian riot police used truncheons, tear gas and razor wire to try and stop illegal immigrants travelling through Macedonia to get to Hungary where they can then travel without border checks to large swathes of the EU that stupidly signed up to the Schengen Treaty.
Over 40,000 illegal immigrants and asylum seekers have been registered illegally entering Macedonia from Greece in the last two months. Most of them have gone on to Serbia and then into Hungary where the border is being fortified to prevent them getting any further.
Almost 50,000 illegal immigrants and asylum seekers came from Turkey to Greece alone in July, bringing the total to 158,000 for the year. Another 90,000 have made it to Italy and the total estimate for the year so far is around 340,000. That's a city the size of Leicester making its way into Europe in just 7 months. If it continues at the same rate then by the end of the year that's a city the size of Nottingham and Leicester combined.
Shropshire Council are refusing to confirm or deny whether Cllr Keith Barrow is under investigation as they say it could prejudice any investigation if there were one but someone forgot to brief Deputy Leader, Steve Charmley, who said he was aware of an investigation but wouldn't comment because it was an ongoing investigation. Oops!
Thomas de Maizière, the German Interior Minister, called for "reform" of the Dublin Regulation, saying it was unfair for Germany to take 40% of the asylum seekers coming into Europe. When he says "reform" what he means, of course, is "change the system so it suits Germany" as is the case with most "reform" of EU regulations. They want to redistribute asylum seekers around the EU so everyone takes their "fair share".
As the Germans are behind the policy of not just letting unlimited numbers of asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and terrorists into Europe but actually laying on a ferry service to bring them here, it's only fair that Germany takes the lion's share of those that arrive. The Mediterranean countries like Greece and Italy are being swamped with illegal immigrants thanks to the German policy of ferrying them over to Europe so it's only fair that Germany should deal with the consequences.
Austria has threatened to take the EU Commission to the EU Courts if it tries to force a redistribution of asylum seekers whilst Slovakia said it will only accept Christian asylum seekers due to "security risks". The EU Commission says that they should show "solidarity" and get behind their "migration agenda" of flooding the continent with illegal immigrants from the middle east and beyond.
Illegal immigrants from Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan rioting in Kos because their asylum claims aren't being processed fast enough
Terry Brookes was suspended by the local Labour Party who refused to explain the reason. BBC Essex reporter, Simon Dedman, broke the news this afternoon that Essex Police had arrested Brookes on suspicion of possessing indecent pictures of children a month ago.
Mark Cable claims that work commitments prevented him from attending a single meeting in 6 months. The last full council meeting he attended, where the bulk of council business is debated, was in December last year.
Despite failing to attend any council meetings he continued to claim his £6,572 allowance.
Unemployment is up for a second quarter by 25,000 to 1.85m people.
In other news, there are now more than 2m EU immigrants working in the UK.
If immigration reflected actual need then we'd let about 250,000 people move here and then allow in the number of people we need to fill the vacancies we have at the time. Net immigration last year alone was 260,000 which is clearly unsustainable. We can't afford to support 1.85m unemployed people and their families as well as a quarter of a million largely low skilled, low paid economic immigrants.
UKIP policy is to freeze economic immigration for 5 years to allow the 1.85m unemployed people who already live here fair access to the job market and then reintroduce economic immigration with strict controls on the number of people and the skills they have.
I was very surprised to read the following regarding foreign athletes who came to the UK to compete for their countries in the 2012 Olympic games in London:
"A total of 52 were granted refugee status while, of the thirty refused, two won on appeal but only ten were deported from the UK."
The headline was about the 18 who are still on the run from the UK authorities so have not been deported, however, my surprise was that 52 were granted refugee status.
We now know that government departments often make mistakes, are often run inefficiently and badly, and often try to cover up mistakes. So I am sure you will agree that it is essential that they can justify the actions they have taken, and justify them to the public that they serve.
Accordingly I would like to know how these 52 came to be allowed to enter the UK - supposedly representing their countries as the countries top athletes, when they actually made their applications, what each of them are claiming asylum from, and what evidence was gathered to support their claims.
I find it implausible that a competent government could be put in this position, I look forward to being shown to be wrong.
The British government have been told by their lawyers that they can't require EU immigrants to pay into the benefits system for four years before being allowed to claim tax credits unless they also ban 18-22 year olds from claiming as well.
This latest advice echoes advice they have already been given but chose to ignore because there was an election looming. Restricting benefits for EU citizens without imposing the same restrictions on UK citizens would be illegal discrimination under EU law.
If Cameron intends to press on with plans to prevent EU immigrants from claiming benefits for four years, he will deprive around 50,000 young working UK citizens of their tax credits.
There are just three UKIP peers - all defections - to represent the views of 3.9m UKIP voters whilst the Lib Dems currently have 102 peers and are adding 10 or 11 to the tally this year despite only getting 2.4m votes.
There are currently 821 members of the House of Lords, 40 of which are suspended or not allowed to sit in the upper house. With the House of Lords getting stuffed with new political appointments after every election and before every contentious vote it won't be long before it tips over the 1,000 mark. It's time for a clear-out of the House of Lords and to either make Lords match votes or return to the hereditary system that made the political balance of the upper house an accident of birth.
Using a Hungarian undercover reporter, the Daily Mail have found that EU citizens in eastern Europe have been using fake addresses to register with GPs in the UK and then apply for an EHIC card which entitles them to free emergency medical treatment in their own country. But unscrupulous doctors are providing non emergency medical treatment abroad and charging it back to the NHS.
Former Conservative Prime Minister and alleged paedophile Ted Heath spent most of his political career trying to get the UK into what is now the EU, culminating in his act of treason in 1975 when he willfully misled the public about what they were voting on in the referendum.
One of the stories Peter Hitches covers in his latest Mail on Sunday piece relates to the demise of Kids Company.
In his column he asks questions that I, myself, have also been asking - what actually did Kids Company do? What was it trying to do? How did it measure its success (or otherwise)? etc....
What do you think would happen to someone who set up a charity in the same part of London, offering abandoned children rules, morals, disciplined education, absolute prohibition of drugs, regular bedtimes, that sort of thing?
Isn't that exactly what the Church of England used to do (and is still supposed to be doing)? When did it stop? Will it now take the role back? Or will some other Christian organisation maybe?
He then says:-
Do you think millions of corporate and State money would arrive, or that Ministers and media figures would rush to its aid? No, nor do I.
Presumably forgetting that the Church of England are very wealthy, have Bishops in the House of Lords, their own publications etc...
The Church of England has dropped the ball - it is worried about its own internal gender equality and such tosh - and while it contemplates its navel, and focuses on the admin of the church that is simple a measns to an end, it completely fails in its end - that of spreading christan purpose, and doing so by example.
Hideously offensive TV "personality" Katie Hopkins wants to work with UKIP in the EU referendum campaign.
Hopkins was a member of Nikki Sinclaire's last gasp attempt at keeping her MEP seat, the We Demand A Referendum Now Party which is on UKIP's proscribed list meaning she couldn't be a member even if her awful behaviour and diabolical personality didn't ear her a ban. Whether the likes of Better Off Out would work with her or not is debatable but it seems unlikely given her inability to behave like a decent human being.